Super-Teen Holiday Camp (12-21 yrs old) & SmartKids Workshop(10-12yrs old - PSLE)

Why Should I go for
Super-Teen Holiday Camp(for age 12 - 21 yr old) or
SmartKids Workshop(10 - 12 yr old)?

Dear Dad and Mum,

You hope that your children would have a bright and promising future abound with opportunities. And with just a little motivation, you know that your children can do better not only in their studies but also, their lives!

And yet, how many times have you asked yourself,"If only my son learned how to manage his time properly...if only my daughter focused on her studies more...if only my child played less and spent more time studying..." And have you tried to console yourself that "...maybe school can make him realize the importance of study...maybe she will be mature as time goes by..." Yet deep down inside, you know that you shouldn't wait for it to happen, you have to make it happen. And YOU CAN! You just need to learn how! We can show you how!

Are You Interested in Super-Teen Holiday Camp or
SmartKids Workshop(10-12yrs old)?

If Your Answer is 'YES', all You Have to do NOW is to CLICK HERE to sign up for the Preview.

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